- Tell us all about yourself and what makes you tick and what do you like doing when you aren’t writing!
* I’ve always loved to write. When
I was a kid, you could find me in the shade with my nose in a book. As I got
older, my love of reading turned into a love of writing. Most of my days are
filled with writing, but I also love music, genealogy, and of course, reading!
Tell us about your family – married?
Kids? Where you live!
a native Ohio girl, but I now call the Pacific Northwest home. I love being so close to the
ocean, and that’s where I go to recharge. I am married to my wonderful husband,
and I have three daughters. I’m a homeschooling mama, so that keeps me busy
- If you could travel anywhere in or out of this world, where would it be?
*That’s easy…Ireland, Scotland,
and Wales.
As I said, I’m a genealogy nerd, and I’ve traced my ancestors to these three
places. I’ve always had a deep love for the Celtic culture, and if I could go
anywhere in the world, that’s where it would be. The problem would be getting
me to come home!
- What is your favorite all time movie?
favorite all-time movie is Gone With the Wind. I love the romance and
refinement, but also the grit that Scarlett shows by meeting any challenge
thrown her way.
- What about weekly TV show? Why?
down, my favorite weekly TV show is Outlander. I could say it’s for the obvious
reason of men in kilts, but I think it’s also a beautifully written and acted
love story. I’m a sucker for romance.
- What is the most scared you have ever been?
*I think
the most scared I’ve ever been was when I was pregnant for the first time. I
was so worried that something would go wrong. I read every pregnancy book I
could get my hands on and obsessed about every ache and pain for the whole nine
The second most scared I’ve ever been is now, with the
release of this book. It is terrifying to open yourself up to people and pray
that they like the words you have bled.
- If you could have any fantasy, what would it be?
*My fantasy
would be living in a stone cottage in Ireland near the Cliffs of Moher
with nothing to do but write books all day.
- Now, Tell us about your book?
*My book is
called Investigating the Heart. It is about Emma, a single mother of three
daughters who has had a terrible experience with love. In order to make sure
she never gets hurt again, she has sworn off of men. When a handsome stranger
comes into her coffee shop one day, he is very hard to resist, despite her wish
to remain unattached. The stranger, Liam, pursues her and she feels her resolve
crumbling. What she doesn’t know is that Liam is connected to her past in a way
that could jeopardize their future. There is also a bit of suspense thrown in
when Emma discovers that she has a stalker.
- Where did you come up with the idea for your story?
*I feel
like I constantly have stories running around in my head. This story is
obviously fictional, but the characters are based on bits and pieces of people
I know. Emma, my main character, is very similar to me. I understand her.
I started out with the idea of a single mom, alone and
trying to juggle her busy life. I wanted a happy ending, but of course, there
had to be a struggle to get there. The story just sort of made itself up as I
wrote. I often say that I just do what the voices in my head tell me to, but to
anyone other than another writer, that just makes me sound insane.
What is your favorite thing about
favorite thing about writing is the surprise I always get when a story takes an
unexpected turn. I don’t always have a definite idea of where I’m going when I
write. As I wrote Investigating the Heart, so many things changed and ended
differently than what I had thought they would. I could honestly hear the
characters talking to me, telling me their stories. I love that I don’t always
know what to expect, and that I can’t plan everything out.
- What is your biggest pet peeve about writing?
*My biggest
pet peeve about writing is my lack of time. Between maintaining a house,
homeschooling three girls, and carving out time for my husband, there never
seems to be enough hours in the day.
- Where can people find you? (give all your links)
@heidireneemason on Twitter
And Heidi Renee Mason on Facebook
- Most important – where can we buy your story?
My books are available at amazon.com in both print and e-book versions. They are also available on my website, www.heidireneemason.wordpress.com, or my publisher's website, www.solsticepublishing.com.
They will soon be on Barnes & Noble's website as well.
Back of the book!
After the death of her husband in a
plane crash, Emma McCoy, a single mom of three, has given up on love.
When she meets Liam O’Reilly, an FBI agent who is new in town, the
chemistry is immediate. Emma tries to keep her distance, but Liam is
determined to win her over. As the two navigate their feelings,
Emma’s resolve begins to crumble. What Emma doesn’t know is that
Liam is connected to her past in a way that she could never have
imagined, and this connection could put their future in jeopardy. In
the small town of Beckland, Ohio, danger is the last thing that Emma
expects. However, since Liam’s arrival, it seems like peril is
waiting around every corner.
Heidi Renee Mason always
knew she would be an author. Heidi is passionate about writing, and
writes fiction, as well as poetry. In her spare time, Heidi enjoys
music, genealogy, all things Celtic, and chick flicks. A native of
the Midwest, Heidi now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her
husband and three daughters. Investigating the Heart is Heidi’s
debut novel.
Readers may contact me at jaderayne02@yahoo.com, via my website, www.heidireneemason.wordpress.