Friday, October 30, 2015

Sizzling PR Presents Never Surrender by Rosie Miles

Book Title: Never SurrenderNever Surrender-500x750
Author: Rosie Miles
Release Date: 10/19/2015

About the book:
 Police officer Maggie Sinclair prides herself on her independence. She doesn't need anyone, especially her ex-lover. Working undercover to expose a prostitution ring, Maggie rescues two teenaged girls—but blows her cover in the process. Now she's in deep, and the only person who can help her is the last man she wants to call... Detective Quinn Keller remembers Maggie telling him Hell would freeze over before she needed him. He offered her everything, and she rejected him. Now he has the opportunity to show Maggie they're stronger as a team—even as their attraction becomes increasingly hotter. But this passion won't just bring them together or tear them could get them both killed. Goodreads * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Entangled

About the Author: Rosie Miles has always been fascinated by cops. If she didn’t hate guns with such passion, she would have joined the force. Instead she writes about the cop behind the badge and the loves that challenge them. She enjoys overseas travel but relishes the road trips she takes with her forever man, to different destinations throughout Australia, looking for settings for her next story. Married with three adult children, Rosie believes that: Life is to be lived, You never stop learning, and you never, ever, give up on your dreams.

Website * Blog * Facebook * Twitter

Tour Schedule:
Giveaway: $20 Gift Card/Voucher to Bath & Body Works (spa package) International entries welcome.

Excerpt 1: He wanted to rise, meet her, but he was afraid, of what he wasn’t sure. She needed him, and that was what counted. She had sent for him, and like the fool he was where she was concerned, he’d come running. Maybe he should have handled it by the book and alerted his superiors. Maybe. Gut instinct had decided him against it. The tip-tap of heels halted directly before him. Then the heartbeat of the street ceased, as though the world stopped breathing. His gaze started at the four inch stiletto heels, slid up over well-shaped calves and thighs that stretched on until they met the hem of her short, short skirt. Heat crawled over his skin, and his breath caught. Beneath her open coat, welcoming hips and a tiny waist beckoned him. He scanned upward until his eyes feasted on full breasts failing to hide behind a slinky, black camisole. He didn’t need to look further. He knew. “Maggie.” Her name sounded so good on his lips. For a mere second, the memory of their taste filled him with naked longing for another time, a happier time, but he pushed it away. She hadn’t called Quinn-her-ex, she’d called Quinn-the-cop. “Maggie’s dead,” she snapped. “Really?” He quirked a brow. “You look a hell of a lot like her.” “I look like a two-bit whore. Trust me, Maggie’s long gone.” Quinn pushed to his feet and stepped toward her. For a moment they stared at each other. Quinn’s breathing stalled as he gazed into her haunted eyes. Distance and time might have separated them physically, but she’d lived in his heart, his thoughts, constantly. Her face accompanied him to sleep most nights. Damn, he’d missed her. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and stepped back. “Why did you contact me? It’s been over twelve months. Why now?” Maggie closed the gap and linked her arms loosely around his neck. “Because I need your help,” she whispered against his cheek. Quinn withdrew his hands from his pockets and tugged on her arms, wary that the familiar contact, any contact, would shred his resolve.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paranormal Romance Thursday with Julie D'arcy

Whisper of Yesterday
Julie A. D’Arcy

Publisher--iHeart Publishing
Genre--Paranormal, Ghost, Historical, witchcraft, Sensual Romance

Whisper of Yesterday

A cry for help, echoing through the ages, inspires a young nobleman to
rewrite history– and rediscover a passion he had only dreamt of…

Cole d’Morgan is contacted by a lawyer telling him he has been left a castle in Cornwall, but to inherit he must arrive at Castle Thornwood on All-Hallows-Eve.
As he pulls his car to a halt at the castle gates he sees a beautiful red-haired woman clutching the bars in the rain. However, before he can climb from his car she vanishes into the night.

On arriving at the Castle he is told the tragic tale of Aidan and Alyssa d’Morgan …
A love story that spans three hundred years.

Alyssa d’Morgan burned as a witch for refusing to wed her dead husband’s father in 1644 haunts the castle where she was put to death. She has sworn she will not rest until she is reunited with her husband and soul mate, Cai.

Aidan d’Morgan, re-incarnated soul of Cai d’Morgan is reborn in the 1800’s and wins back Castle Thornwood on the turn of a card.

On entering the castle he cannot shake the feeling he is being watched, and soon learns that the castle is haunted by a beautiful red-haired woman who speaks to him in his dreams. However, these are not simply dreams, but a past life, which he is forced to revisit in order to find an answer to an age old curse…

What transpires is an interwoven tale of chilling betrayal and a haunting love story that traverses three centuries...

Buy Links


Julie A, D'Arcy-Author 17 years,
iHeart Publishing-
Silverdawn-Urban Fantasy -witchcraft, sorcery, time travel, urban romance.
Whisper of Yesterday-ghost-witchcraft-re-incarnation historical

COMING SOON-Wild Rose Publishing-
Moonlight spell-Modern day-time travel, witchcraft fantasy romance


Whisper of Yesterday-

Aidan stared down into the courtyard. All was darkness. Nothing moved. Not a night creature called. He swung to face into the room. It was lit by only the faintest of moonlight and a low-burning fire.
It had to have been a dream.
Naked; the breeze was cold, but sweat still trickled down his back. He stared down at his hands. They trembled. “It was a dream.” If he repeated the words emphatically enough, perhaps he would believe them.
He ran a hand through his hair. He had been in Cai de Morgan’s body. He had seen what he had seen, done what he had done, and thought what he had thought. It was as if he was a spectator in another time and all had been beyond his control. Yet as incredible as it was, he had been there. And who was Cai de Morgan? What was the man to him? And more so, who was the woman? Why did she remind him so much of the woman in the fire? Countess Llewellyn, the woman who supposed to haunt this castle?
He strode to the dresser, lit a candle, and crossed to the large freestanding mirror in the corner. Critically, he viewed his features. Was it his imagination, or was there the slightest hint of another image superimposed over his own? Did the face look more angular, the jaw harder? He held the candle closer to the glass, and a chill prickled the back of his neck. The hair on the man in the mirror waved and curled past his shoulders, and there standing behind him was a woman. A woman with a riot of deep red hair, brilliant emerald eyes, full lips, and fine brows—a woman with the face of an angel—the woman in his dream. His hand tightened on the candlestick. It felt as if it were frozen; his fingers glued and could not be uncurled.
She no longer wore the yellow gown and headdress, but instead the white shift she had worn the first night he had seen her amidst the fire in the courtyard.
Their eyes met and held in the reflection.
He swallowed, trying to free up his throat, trying to force words that would not come. As he watched, she drifted closer, yet no step could he hear on the polished wooden floor.
“Who are you?” he managed at last, his words a strained whisper. He twisted around. She vanished. He swung back and stared into the mirror. She stood behind him with a look of accusation in her green eyes. It was as if he was a moth and she pinned him with her diamond bright gaze. “I’m sorry,” he said. “But I had to be certain.” He spoke quietly, afraid to raise his voice least she disappear. “Will not you speak to me? Will not you tell me your name?”
She opened her mouth, and just a soft sound issued forth, almost a sigh, as if it was coming from a long distance. “Cai.”
Cai. Had she said Cai? The man in the dream had been Cai. The man whose body he had inhabited for a short time. Inhabited. The thought disturbed him, but he could think of no other word to describe the happening. Was he going crazy? But no crazier than seeing and talking to a ghost. Again he wondered what Cai de Morgan had to do with him. How Cai was connected to the murdered Countess.
“I have so many questions,” he said, holding her reflection in the mirror.
She moved closer, pressed her warm soft body to the length of his back, and encircled his waist.
His mouth went dry. He couldn't swallow. He had always thought a ghost would be cold, but he had never felt such heat as that which now filled his body and hastened to pool in his loins at the soft caress of her silken hair and the touch of her hands on his sweat-damp skin.
She leaned her smooth cheek against his shoulder, and his body hardened with desire as she tilted her head to the side to watch him for several painful heartbeats through sooty lashes, her eyes dark, intense, wanting.
Suddenly he swung to seize her, but his hand passed through a draught of cold air. Goose bumps raced up his arm. She was gone, and he cursed himself for a fool. He should have known better than to try to capture something as elusive as an angel...

You can find more about the author and her works here:

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Robyn Echols and her Christmas Story, The Fourteenth Quilt

About The Fourteenth Quilt:

Annie, Celia and Lynn are all that are left of the Relief Society quilting class, but they are still determined to make baby quilts for the new mothers at church. Annie, who is just south of eighty years old, calls the quiltsters (short for quilting sisters) together to ask for more. She wants to make lap quilts to give to some of the “forgotten” oldsters she sings to each week at the nursing home—something to wrap them in love at Christmastime. It’s a good idea, but the trio discovers that life and making quilts don’t always go as planned.

The quiltsters discuss recipes and quilting ideas including a crocheted cat mat to use up their fabric selvage and trim scraps, all of which they share in the book.

Sarah and Brian meet at the university. Their first date is after Sarah’s First Saturday Block of the Month class she attends with her mom at the local quilt shop. Their romance grows, and they plan their future together—a plan that will require them to be separated for six months before their wedding. But, can they bear to be apart that long?

What wraps together this Christmas tale? The Fourteenth Quilt. 

Excerpt #2:         (Quiltsters)

          “Okay, here they are,” said Annie as she returned clutching five puffy quilts in her arms. Celia and Lynn shoved everything on the big table aside so Annie had room to drop her armload.

“This one here is the giant star block Celia cut out and sewed together to show
me how to do this pattern for a quilt I made for my daughter,” said Annie as she picked up a lap quilt with a thirty-six inch Sarah’s Choice block using dark blue and a tiny blue floral pattern. “She used only two pieces of scrap fabric to make this. I couldn’t see it going to waste just as a sample. See how I bordered it with a couple of rows of coordinating strips and finished it off? How do you like the back I picked out for it?”
          Lynn cooed her approval at the coordinating blue floral backing.
          “Then Celia and I made this out of triangles sewn into squares,” said Annie as she picked up the next quilt.
          “This one will knock your eyeballs right out of your head,” Celia commented, “But, it turned out pretty good.”
          Lynn blinked at the large splashes of hot pink and fluorescent green as Annie held the quilt open.
          “The right person is going to love it,” murmured Lynn. She then focused her attention on a different quilt. “Now, is this one of the baby quilts?”
          “No, no,” Annie shook her head as she reached for the next quilt. “Most of these are lap quilts for the rest home.”
          After Annie had finished showing her the completed quilts, Lynn asked, “Tell me again, what is your plan for these other quilts that are not baby quilts for the new mothers in the ward?”
          “You know, I sing for three rest homes. I love to sing to those oldsters. They are so happy to see me and it just makes my day to be with them.”
          Lynn refrained from pointing out Annie was probably older than many of the “oldsters” at the rest homes.
          “But, some of those oldsters have no one to visit them. A few don’t have any family in the area and some are just dumped off and forgotten. I want to make sure I have enough quilts so those who don’t get anything else for Christmas will receive at least one gift—a beautiful quilt made with love.”
          “That’s what we work on every Monday,” said Celia.
          “I really like your plan,” said Lynn. “The quilt guild donates to a lot of good organizations, but I like this project, too. So, if we’re making these for the oldsters, what does that make us? Quiltsters, short for ‘quilt sisters?’”

About Robyn Echols:

Robyn Echols has been writing since she was in junior high school. By choice, she spent most of her evening hours in her "dungeon", as her mother called her downstairs bedroom, writing stories, only joining her family in front of the television upstairs when her favorite programs were playing. She has spent hours learning and teaching family history topics, and focuses on history from a genealogist's perspective of seeking out the details of everyday life in the past.

Now Robyn resides with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite” and has fun researching and writing the books that she hopes will interest and entertain her readers. She writes Young Adult/New Adult and contemporary fiction under Robyn Echols and adult historical romance under her pen name, Zina Abbott.

The author is a member of Women Writing the West, American Night Writers Association, and Modesto Writers Meet Up. She currently lives with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite.” She enjoys any kind of history including family history. When she is not piecing together novel plots, she pieces together quilt blocks.

Author Links:

Website  |  Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest

Quilt Gateway blog (See posts for September 2015)

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