Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Few Christmas Gems For the Child in Your Life

Give the gift of imagination!

 The Fairy Teller

The Fairy Teller tells the story of Princess Isabella and her life-long friend Evelyn, who unexpectedly embark on an adventure that leads them to discover the true story behind the name of their village, a wonderful kingdom called Fairyland. A hidden world of beautiful, powerful fairies is revealed to them; and along with their new friend Sam, the children meet the kind creator of Fairyland, King Amos. Known by many as “The Fairy Teller,” King Amos shows Princess Isabella that she is no ordinary girl, but is in fact a fairy with magical powers. As Isabella, Evelyn, and Sam spend time exploring Fairyland and learning of the fairy powers they each possess, the children soon discover the king has very little time to live, as Fairyland’s evil witch has stolen the magic potion that keeps his power strong. Together, they bravely face the challenge of finding the magic potion to save King Amos—but will they be able to save him in time?

The City of Ho Hum


The City of Ho Hum is a magical place. Only the luckiest of children are able to find their way to Ho Hum. Will you be one of the lucky ones? The things you see will make your eyes POP! Take your own trip to Ho Hum and have the adventure of a lifetime! Shut your eyes, take a deep breath, open this book, and you are on your way!

Have You Seen My Tale 

Have You Seen My Tail? is a story about little Sammy bear who wants to tag along with Tommy, his older brother. Tommy tells him he has lost his tail and he better go find it before Mommy bear finds out. Sammy runs through the woods asking some of the animals for their help. Unfortunately they haven’t seen the lost tail, but they all invite him to stay and have a bite to eat. As it turns out every snack that is offered is his absolute favorite. As the sun is setting, and the lost tail still isn’t found. The sun is setting and Sammy is still in the woods. Who will help him find his tail so he can go home? At the end of Have You Seen My Tail? Be sure and make your own bug recipes to share with your friends! 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The talented Charlene Raddon and her new story, Divine Gamble

DIVINE GAMBLE, a gritty, sensual American historical western romance available on Amazon for pre-order now. $.99 until release on August 20.

The Preacher never meant to become a gunman. Sometimes life interferes and forces a man down a path he doesn’t care to follow. Always alone, always hunted, he dreams of all he’s been denied—peace, family, love.

The moment Maisy and The Preacher meet, their lives change once more. United in battle against a powerful enemy, they fight side by side, but can they beat the odds they face? Is love worth the biggest gamble man has ever known?



Danger rode a howling wind into Pandora, Colorado, that autumn night. A gleeful desperado, the gale scoured the town's nooks, alleys, and yards. It iced window panes and froze puddles.
            Maisy Macoubrie stood on the boarding house stoop, watching trash blow down the street, her faro bag held in front of her like a shield. She enjoyed a good storm, but tonight, her mood seemed as ragged and tense as the weather. Blessed Saints, but her back ached. Thank heaven the gambling season would be over soon, and she could go home to Utah.
            The eight o'clock stage slogged past the boarding house and slid to a muddy halt in front of The Pandora House. Half a dozen men on horseback followed. Passengers bolted from the still-rocking coach into the well-lighted building. The others did the same. Once they'd all warmed up and filled their bellies, they'd want a pleasant way to pass the evening, such as gambling.
            Maisy sighed. Time to go to go deal faro at the Bloated Goat Saloon.
            Something darted under her skirts. She swallowed a screech and yanked up her hems.
            "Soda!" Crouching, she petted the grumpy looking calico cat. "Oh, you're wet."
            Maisy stood. "Come on, I'll let you in, and give you something to eat."
            The cat darted inside the second she opened the door and dashed up the stairs. Leaving her faro bag beside the door, Maisy followed and let the cat into her room. "Stay off the bed until you've cleaned yourself."           
The calico padded over to her special rug under the window and set to work licking her fur. Maisy fetched Soda's food from the storage space in the washstand.
            "Here you are." She put several pieces of chopped, dried beef on the floor. "I have to go to work." Maisy bent and put her hand beside the cat's right front leg. "Come on, shake with me like I taught you."
            She almost chuckled at the look of disgust on Soda's face, but the cat raised her paw. "Good girl. I'll see you later."
            She'd no sooner stepped back out on the front porch than Lenny Goodman dashed up the steps. "’Evening, Miss Maisy."
            "Good evening, Lenny. Did Nose send you?" In the light from his lantern, his face looked older than fourteen years. His eyes displayed a sort of wisdom and disillusionment in their depths that aged him. His chin showed the promise of a beard he would soon have to start shaving. It wouldn't be long before her son Danny would be doing the same.
            "Yep. Said it was too dark for you to have to find your way to the saloon without a lantern." He took her bag from her as she descended the steps to the boards laid over the muddy road in drier weather—her landlord's idea of a boardwalk.
            Lenny held up the light while Maisy maneuvered the makeshift pathway. Before reaching the boardwalk that fronted the stores, the rain had soaked her cloak and skirt hems.
            "I stepped in a mud puddle back there," Lenny said, joining her in front of Sims Café and Bakery. "Need to scrape it off." He went to work, using the edge of the porch to relieve him of the gunk. "You want to take the lantern with you and go on?"
            Maisy glanced toward the Bloated Goat Saloon. Light from the windows showed on the boardwalk. "No, I'll be all right, Lenny. Thank you."
            She took her bag from him and went on. Storm doors kept the weather out of The Goat, but they also blocked the light the shorter, swinging doors would have allowed to escape. Maisy peered over her shoulder to check on the boy and walked into something solid and unmovable.


An avid reader, Charlene Raddon never planned to be a writer. A vivid dream changed that. She dragged out a portable typewriter and began to put her dream on paper. Originally published by Kensington Books, Charlene is now an Indie author. All her books have received high accolades, contest wins, and awards. When not writing, she designs historical book covers at her site, where she specializes in westerns.

Charlene’s website:

Friday, July 14, 2017

Christmas in July - 20 stories up for grabs!

Somebody is going to win ALL these Christmas stories.
It could easily be you!
Remember - you can't win if you don't play! 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The talented Iris Blobel shares her story, More Beginnings

~~ More Beginnings ~~ by Iris Blobel

♥♦♥ BLURB ♥♦♥

Zach Taylor, an escort in Sydney, living in Hobart, enlists the help of Natasha Peterson when his teenage friend, Mia, runs away. He soon finds out that the ‘dragon’ is really more of a kitten. And although Natasha, Mia’s teacher, is attracted to him as well, she has her own problems to deal with, not to mention her initial reaction to Zach’s occupation.

Will Zach’s job keep him from a chance to be with Natasha?

Life is good for teenager Mia Levesque. But when Darren Schuster shows up in Hobart, she knows something is up once Sophie and Mark cut their weekend away short and rush home in the middle of the night. When Sophie won’t answer Mia’s questions, emotions run high, and Zach confirms Darren’s identity to Mia. Disappointed, angry, and feeling alone, Mia runs away.

Will life settle back into a routine for Mia once she finds out about the stranger in her life?

 New Beginnings have given the Levesque girls a new start in life, will More Beginnings be another chance for them?

♥♦♥ EXCERPT ♥♦♥

Zach Taylor’s young neighbour, Mia, let out a long sigh as she joined him on his front porch and sat next to him on the swing. Enjoying a cool lemonade, he invited her to grab a soft drink from the fridge as well. It was a warm summer day, and the air showed no sign of cooling down. A lot of people in Hobart were weary of the unusual hot spell for the very southern Australian city.
With another hefty sigh, Mia raked through her long, blond hair and stared into the distance. “Honestly, Zach, she’s a dragon. I’m sure she does it on purpose. She doesn’t like me. She thinks I’m spoilt.”
The dragon in question was Miss Peterson, Mia’s high school English teacher. There was no doubt that Mia liked school, and she enjoyed her classes. And even though English wasn’t her worst subject, it certainly was the toughest one, with Miss Peterson piling on homework one after the other.
Zach took a sip of his drink before he replied, “Hey, pumpkin, settle down. What’s that supposed to mean you’re ‘spoilt’?”
She lifted her shoulder in a slight shrug. “You know!”
Raising his brows, he replied, “Actually I don’t know! Isn’t she Sophie’s good friend?”
Another shrug. “Kind of, I suppose. They used to do the boxing stuff together, and since Soph’s carrying a baby, they go and enjoy coffee and cake instead every once in a while.”
Ignoring his chuckle, she went inside and helped herself to cold lemonade. She opened the can with a simple click as she returned outside and took a long sip.


Iris Blobel was born and raised in Germany and only immigrated to Australia in the late 1990s. Having had the travel bug most of her life, Iris spent quite some time living in Scotland, London as well as Canada where she met her husband. Her love for putting her stories onto paper has only emerged recently, but now her laptop is a constant companion.
Iris resides west of Melbourne with her husband and her two beautiful daughters.
Next to her job at a private school, she also presents a German Program at the local Community Radio.

Social Media Links:
Click here to subscribe to Iris’ Newsletter Facebook
  ♠ TwitterGoodreadsBookbubInstagram ♠  Bookbub  ♠

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

IT'S COMING - MAY 20 - Spooky Twisties 1

Lindsay, Nick, Chris, Amy and Paul are just a few of the kids in the neighborhood that enjoy each other’s company and like to hang out together.   From the usual antics that preteens enjoy, like playing in the graveyard, trick or treating, and celebrating birthdays, the kids find themselves in some unique situations that lead to unexpected ending twists.  

Spooky Twisties I offers 13 tales of terror that will grab you from the start, and leave you with chilling surprise endings.  Adventures are speckled with humorous dialogue to frightening calls for help in working through their series of unusual encounters.  Even though the chapters have individual story lines, many are intertwined with characters that are not so likable.  For instance, Creepy Guy and Dan the Security Guard seem to have a ‘fixation’ for Lindsay and Amy who are best friends.  Then there is old Mrs. Miller who has seemed to live on the street forever, but has found a secret to anti-aging.  ‘Easter eggs’ or ‘hidden references’ mesh, and just when you think you’re headed towards a ‘fairy-tale’ ending, a strange unforeseen chilling conclusion occurs leaving the reader saying, “I didn’t see that happening!” No happily ever after endings here. 

About Me:   
I’ve lived my entire life in western PA and the majority of my working years were as a Systems Engineer for a large corporation.  When my sons were born, I took a hiatus from work, and tutored math and reading and substituted in local schools.  I returned to the workforce and retired a few years ago.

Except for writing a little poetry in college, I am a new writer who started writing seriously a few years ago. 

Spooky Twisties I began with one story about a group of kids that go out to play their annual game of ghosts in the graveyard.  This story eventually led to others and became the Spooky Twisties Series.

Links to buy: Print copy can be pre-ordered now before May 20.

MuseItUp Publishing    
Amazon Kindle             
Barnes and Noble           
Apple iBooks                          iTunes                     

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mother's Day Sale - HUGE!

Prices are SLASHED!

In honor of Mother's Day all twelve books in
Grandma's Wedding Quilts will be reduced to



When all the Mother's Day hoopla has died down, 
what better way to relax than to 
set down and read one of the 
American Mail Order Bride stories
that you were able to buy for

Here are some of the stories on sale......

Kristy McCaffrey - Alice: Bride of Rhode Island 

Patricia Carroll - Constance: Bride of Florida

Ashley Merrick - India: Bride of Indiana

Ashley Merrick - Beth: Bride of Massachusetts

Linda Hubalek - Lilly: Bride of Illinois

Peggy Henderson - Emma: Bride of Kentucky
  Kirsten Lynn - Gillian: Bride of Maine

Margaret Tanner - Edwina: Bride of Connecticut

Lily Graison - Anna: Bride of Alabama

P A Estelle - Hannah: Bride of Iowa

Kit Morgan - Lottie: Bride of Delaware

Kit Morgan - Leora: Bride of California