Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Penny's Tales talks with Rochelle Weber!

I am thrilled to have best selling author, Rochelle Weber, on Penny's Tales.  Below is a bit about Rochelle's life and then she's on the hot seat!  She also talks about her book, "The Thin Person Inside"!

Rochelle Weber is a Navy veteran and holds a BA in Communications from Columbia College in Chicago with an emphasis on Creative Writing. “Would you like fries with that?” Her novels Rock Bound and Rock Crazy are available in both e-book and print. You can get The Thin Person Inside e-book is at MuseItUp Publishing, Inc. She edits for Jupiter Gardens Press, and is the Publisher of the Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter, winner of the 2013 Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll for Best Writers’ Resource.

Rochelle battles demons including bi-polar disorder and obesity, quipping, “You haven’t lived until you’ve been the only woman on the locked ward at the VA.” Her song, “It’s Not My Fault,” won a gold medal in the National Veterans Creative Arts Competition. She’s lost over a hundred pounds and kept it off for over three years. She lives in Round Lake Beach, Illinois. She has two married daughters, four grandchildren, three step-grandkids, and one step-great-grandkid. Two cats allow her to live with them and cater to their every whim.


PENNY: Why did you decide to write romance novels?

ROCHELLE: I’m lazy. Romance is easier to write than sci-fi or mystery. Besides, I’m a sucker for H-E-A endings.

PENNY: When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first ms? What genre is it?

ROCHELLE: I got bored when I had chicken pox, and wrote a very short story and then practiced ways of writing my author name. My mother kept the notebook it’s in. I wrote stories in high school and showed them to my friends, but never to any adults. Through a fluke (Fate!) I found myself working at an NPR station in Charleston, SC, and one of our producers read a letter I was writing home during lunch after a major arts festival. She said, “My God, Rochelle! You can write! I feel like I’m there, and I missed that event.” She encouraged me after that, but it was another twenty-some years before I finished Rock Bound and submitted it. A pagan friend introduced me to an editor who knew a woman who was starting an e-pub, and she grabbed it.

PENNY: Would you like to write a different genre or sub-genre than you do now?

ROCHELLE: My first two books are sci-fi romance. I started writing Rock Crazy and decided to just write a couple paragraphs of back-story for some of the people on the Moon who help Katie. Next thing I knew, I had Rock Bound. They just kind of took over and wrote their own book. The Thin Person Inside, however, is contemporary. I hope by 2051 science will have figured out a way to turn off whatever it is that causes cravings, or to turn up the metabolism of people like me who feel we “just look at food and may as well apply it directly to our hips.” And my work-in-progress, Full Circle, is considered an historical book, because it’s about a Corpswave and a Marine who dated as civilians during the Viet Nam era and then meet again after he’s been to Nam. It kind of boggles my mind, because that’s when I was in the Navy, so it doesn’t seem like history to me. So, I guess I’m all over the map. Even though I’m pagan, I don’t see myself doing paranormal or fantasy. I’d like to go back to Rockton in the Moon, but everyone up there seems to be just fine. No angst, no drama, nothing to write home about.

PENNY: Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from?

ROCHELLE: The Thin Person Inside: Kristen Jensen never expected to fall in love when she got help for her morbid obesity—let alone with a rock star. I started to write a book about a secretary who meets a rock star. Originally they met at an AA meeting, but I just couldn’t get the conflict there. First he relapsed. Then she did. Then I decided a story about a person in recovery relapsing was just too trite. Then I decided to put it in the future and have them meet in Rockton. Maybe the conflict could be that he lived on Earth. Then they were going to honeymoon up there. Nothing worked. Then someone said, “You should write about your weight loss.” Bingo! I changed Kristen from an alcoholic to a food addict, described my experience in treatment, even copied my homework from treatment, and the whole thing just flowed. I decided Sean should lose his hand because I already had a hero with crushed legs in another book. I’m not a heavy metal fan, so I didn’t know there was a drummer out there who lost an arm and came back to the band. I met a veteran who lost his hand in a farm accident and played piano, and that’s where I got the idea Sean could manage keyboards with one hand.

PENNY: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?

ROCHELLE: I love humor in fiction. I’m not all that great at writing it. There are a few humorous moments in my books. There’s a discussion about cats and Star Trek in Rock Bound that I hope gives people a chuckle, and there’s a teenager in Rock Crazy who provides a light moment here and there, and a discussion of Kristen’s driving with her daughters in The Thin Person Inside that my publisher said made her laugh. But for really good belly laughs, I suggest my colleague, Elle Druskin’s Liberty Heights series. I love those books. They have funny animals as well as funny people. Elle’s a master at romantic comedy.

PENNY: What about your family? Do they know not to bother you when you are writing, or are there constant interruptions?

ROCHELLE: I live with two cats who are fairly oblivious to my work schedule. Tink pretty much leaves me alone unless I’m in my recliner, but Acey tends to nudge me, climb up on the desk and loll on the keyboard until I banish him. Then he sneaks back onto the desk and hides behind my monitor. Once he settles back there, he’s okay for awhile.

PENNY: Bubble baths or steamy showers? Ocean or mountains? Puppies or kittens? Chocolate or caramel?

ROCHELLE: I love bubble baths, but I now have problems getting out of the tub due to arthritis. As for the rest—do I have to choose? Can’t I gaze at the mountains from the beach? Snuggle with both puppies and kittens? Eat chocolate-covered or flavored caramels (provided they’re gluten & sugar-free, of course).

PENNY: A biography has been written about you. What do you think the title would be in six words or less?

ROCHELLE: Crazy, but What a Writer!
(A girl can dream, right?)


Kristen Jensen, a Navy veteran, tips the scale at a crippling three hundred pounds. In desperation she asks her VA therapist if she can go into addictions treatment with the guys where she meets Sean. With black hair, blue eyes, and a perfect body she figures the reason he’s speaking to her is that she’s the only other person in the room.

The Haystack told their lead singer, Sean Wesley, to get clean or get out. But none of the big-name clinics worked. Sean’s a Desert Storm vet, so they send him to a VA in the middle of nowhere. When he meets Kristen the first day, he thinks it’s tragic such a pretty girl’s trapped in a huge body. And her honesty, intelligence, and bravery are even more impressing. Sean’s drawn to Kristen, but she’s had decades to build layers of defense.


Sean Wesley went into the snack room to help himself to coffee and a roll. He’d probably gain weight while he was here without his personal trainer and weight room. He’d been a fat kid—always the last to be chosen for games, and stuck in right field when he did play. He’d been saved from a life of obesity by a growth spurt in his late teens, a judge who gave him a choice between jail and the Marines, and switching addictions from food to booze and then cocaine.
By rights, Sean shouldn’t be at a VA facility. Celebrities like him usually got sober at places like the Betty Ford clinic or Hazelden. Actually, he’d come from Betty Ford, but he’d still felt shaky so his manager, Don Nelson, had done his homework. Danville, Illinois, was in the middle of nowhere. The program was different, based on Rational Emotive Therapy, and Sean was a veteran. While he made too much money to be treated at the VA, there’s money and then there’s money. Sean had money—the kind that opens doors and breaks down barriers. The kind that makes even the Federal Government say, “We’ll see what we can do,” and then do it.
So here he was in the middle of a cornfield in bum-fuck Illinois at a shabby old VA hospital. An enormously obese woman came into the snack room interrupting his reverie, and Sean thought, That could’ve been me. What a shame—she’s so pretty.”
* * * *
Kristen noticed the table of goodies and the drop-dead-gorgeous man perusing them in the break room when she went in there to put her lunch in the refrigerator.
“Want one? I heard they send ’em over every morning. I guess they’re yesterday’s leftovers.”
That’s right. Offer sweets to the fat lady. She managed a tight grimace. “Thanks, but I’m here because I’m a food addict.” She held up her orange.
“I’m Sean.” He prob’ly wouldn’t give a fat chick like me a second look anywhere else. Still, what is it about men with black hair and blue eyes that makes me go all mushy?
“I’ve heard of food addicts, but what makes ya call yourself that?”
“When my kids were little, I left them without a babysitter while I went to the store and wrote a rubber check for ice cream and M&Ms. I’d say I’ve been about as desperate for my fix as any addict or alcoholic.”
“Wow! Yeah, I guess so.” He held the door for her as they exited and then followed her into the Day Room.
Kristen sat on a love seat, taking up the whole thing, while Sean sat in the chair on the other side of the end table next to her. They were the only two people in there since there were classes going on. She was sure the minute other people came out he’d find someone else to talk to. She pulled out her crocheting. She was fairly certain Eric would propose to Viki at Christmas and had already begun work on a tablecloth for them. She worked on it a minute and then decided to be polite. “So, what’s your drug of choice?”
“Cocaine. I’ve been clean a coupla months, but it’s hard ta stay clean.”
“I’ve heard that. I was at a halfway house fundraiser and they said it takes something like over a year for cocaine to completely leave the body, and during that time a person can still have random cravings. They were raising money for an extended treatment program.”
“That explains why I’ve been having such a hard time. I hope this treatment helps.”
People started coming into the Day Room from classrooms just down the hallways. Several of them gave Sean and Kristen curious looks. Yeah, what’s a great looking guy doing sitting with a fat chick?

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Monday, June 22, 2015

Sizzling PR Presents Second Chances by Abigail Lee Justice

Second Chances Blurb – 

Knowing that happily-ever-afters only happen in fairy tales, Sophie Spencer spends an amazing night with her Prince Charming. Being new to the lifestyle, she allows her hidden fears to take over and does the unthinkable. She screams her safe-word…and runs directly into danger. Will her moment of weakness cause her world to be torn apart again? Or will she overcome her trust issues and fully surrender to her Prince. 

Falling in love had been the furthest thing from Kyle Zellar’s mind, but when Sophie Spencer fully submits to his dominant demands, his only recourse is to claim her as his. Before he can claim her, he is forced to let her go. 

Fighting his inner demons and past issues of childhood abandonment, he knows he must sort out his own life before he can move on with his future. 

But will it be too little too late? 

Warning: This book contains adult content which may offend some readers; BDSM, spanking, punishment, wax play, piercing, bondage, and exhibitionism. 

~Author’s note. This is the second book in The Heart Series, and NOT a stand-alone. You may read them in any order you like, of course, but I would recommend you read Bound By Her Master first.

Pre-Order Links:

Abigail's Bio:

Abigail Lee Justice writes emotional, erotic, romantic suspense that includes a BDSM theme. She creates strong characters who seem real but are flawed in some ways; some couples Happily Ever After will be a work in process. Some characters’ problems are just too steamy to fix in one book. 

Born and raised in Baltimore City by two wonderful, supportive, loving parents, as a child Abigail made up vivid stories in her head. Until one day a friend told her instead of keeping her stories locked in her head she needed to put them on paper and that’s exactly what she did.

Abigail met her husband 29 years ago on a blind date (thanks Dan C.) while working a part time job to put herself through college. She fell madly in love with her Prince Charming and has been since the first day they met.

By day, Abigail practices medicine in a busy Cardiologist practice. By evening she switches her white coat for more relaxed comfortable clothing. She has two wonderful adult sons and a very spoiled chocolate lab. In the wee hours of the night, she writes BDSM romances. 

In her spare time when not working or writing, Abigail enjoys reading, concocting vegetarian dishes, exotic vacations, scuba diving, high adventure activities, living in the lifestyle she writes about, and doing lots and lots of research making sure her characters get it just right.

If you’d like to become part of Abigail’s street team or become a beta reader for future books, drop Abigail a message on FB @ abigailleejustice or 

Visit her website @

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sizzling PR presents Jennifer LaBelle and Broken Survivor

Genre: Contemporary
Release Date: May 26th, 2015

Holly Hewitt is a survivor…

After witnessing her mother’s murder, Holly was returned to her abusive father. Resorting to drugs and alcohol, she ends up landing herself in foster care, where she is separated from her sister and utterly alone.

Zander Harrison is the light to her darkness…

Zander is young, athletic, and carefree, with the support of a loving family. But when Holly is placed in foster care with his brother’s in-laws, she turns his world upside down.

He’s driven to protect her, and to show her the past has made her strong, life is worth living, and love is worth fighting for. If only he can convince her to trust him and stop resisting their mutual attraction.

But sometimes even love isn’t enough to heal a shattered soul.

And all the hard work in the world can’t save…

A broken survivor.


Jennifer Labelle resides in Canada with her husband and three beautiful children. After her third child she became a stay at home mom. In her busy household Jennifer likes to spend her down time engrossed in the stories that she creates. She is an active reader of romance, mystery and anything paranormal. With an education in Addictions work she's decided to take a less stressful approach in life and hopes that you enjoy, as she shares some of her imagination with all of you.



On Monday she’d just got back from seeing her apartment and couldn’t wait to tell Zander about it. He was excited for her and promised to take her out that night to celebrate.

“So tell me about it,” he said.

“It’s great and I can’t believe it’s mine. I mean it’s been so long since I’ve felt like this.” She laughed. “I’m sorry I’m rambling here. I should be describing it to you.”

He smiled at her. They were close to their destination and she wanted to stall for a few minutes before they made it to her sisters so she could tell him all about it and told him so. He’d gotten the cab to pull over a few blocks away so that they could enjoy little alone time as she’d asked and began to walk.

“So then tell me about it.” He sat at the curb and gestured for her to join him.

“Well, the building was constructed two years ago, and the apartment is spacious and everything is new.  There’s a small hallway right at the entrance, the bathroom is on the right at the end of it, and the bedroom on the left side of that. Then there is the living room, and a little farther in I’ll have my very own eat-in kitchen.” She smiled brightly and then laughed again. “I won’t even have to buy curtains, it’s all included. I’m so excited; you’ll have to see it.”

“I will. Will I?” He smiled. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when your face lights up like that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so excited about anything before. I like it, and I’d be honored to see your apartment. Just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.” His fingers brushed the side of her face as she looked away and blushed. “Look at me.”

She smiled, then exhaled as she looked into those deep brown eyes again. “Beautiful,” he whispered and then drew her in closer for a kiss.

“No,” she whispered, interrupting him just before his lips were about join hers. She could feel his breath against her, and she chuckled at his expression.

“No, I can’t kiss you again?” He leaned back to look at her and raised a brow as if in disbelief.

“You asked if anyone has ever called me beautiful, and the answer is no. Yes to the kiss.”

“Then remind me to tell you as much as possible.” He leaned toward her again, closing the distance between them to give her a peck. He kissed her forehead and then her nose, moving from cheek to cheek before reaching her chin. “You’re beautiful, Holly.”

So close together, their breath mixed and noses brushed together until she slanted her head for better access. “Zander,” she whispered. Lifting her hand from her lap, she boldly placed it on his shoulder and then continued to trail lower to feel his muscular chest and abs. She bunched his shirt in her hand and pulled him the rest of the way. “I love the compliment, but please shut up and kiss me already.”

“My pleasu—” She cut him off by taking measures in her own hands, wanting less talking and more of him.  She coaxed his lips open with her tongue, sliding it against his as their wet warmth combined. Their tongues worked in synchronization and their mouths molded to welcome the building inferno they both held inside, waiting for just the right moment to be unleashed. Her chest rose and fell rapidly when they separated, and she needed a minute to focus.



The author is offering e-copies of “Broken Survivor” to 4 winners of the Rafflecopter. 

Sarah Daley presents her book - Drowning Sandy

Originally, Drowning Sandy was published as book 3 in Summer Hearts, May 20th, 2015 but now, for the first time ever, it is being released on it's own!!! 
Coming to you July 6th, Author Sarah Daley's debut novella, available in paperback and e-book!

Interested in grabbing a copy of Summer Hearts? 

Here is the Amazon link:

First, let me introduce you to this brand new author.

Sarah Daley lives in Arizona with her best friend and husband, Chris, their adorable monster child, and neurotic dog.

At the age of six, she became a reading machine. Devouring everything she could possibly get her hands on. In high school she almost failed English three times because of her detest for writing book reports. Today, Sarah writes whatever stories haunt her dreams, and struggles to focus on one idea at a time. When she isn’t enjoying time with her family, or writing, you will find her nose stuck in a book, or out walking and enjoying the sunshine.  

Now, for what Drowning Sandy is all about:

The water is calling...
and Sandy can no longer resist the urge to unleash her mermaid form. But a simple swim in Lake Ontario ends when she discovers the truth of her own banishment. When long time crush, Alardo, seems to shift in a direction she never dreamed possible, Sandy must make a choice — mermaid or human? Once she chooses, she can never go back.

Are you ready for this?

Credit for both the photograph and the cover design goes to the fabulous Isabelle Roza! You can see more of her work on facebook: and on her website

Okay, enough stalling, here it is!!!!

What do you think?!?!

For more fun, come check out the Facebook Cover Reveal event page: 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Jesse Series - Two historical western romances

Jesse’s Find, Book One of the Jesse Series

What does a rancher do when he is in the middle of the Kansas plains and comes across a woman who has been shot, has an infant with her and has no memory of any of it.

Her expression was guarded as he approached.  “Who are you?” she asked.

“Jesse Mason.  I found you a few days back, about a mile from here.”

The girl scanned the room, as if looking for something.  “Can…can I please
talk to your wife?”

Jesse stiffened.  “I don’t have a wife.”

She took another step back.  “But…but the baby, and someone changed my

Jesse's Find - 99 cents

Jesse’s Nightmare, Book Two of the Jesse Series

Ginny and Jesse are expecting their first baby. It's almost April and even the snow that continues to fall doesn't dampen their moods - until something starts ripping apart the livestock.

But when Jesse comes home during a blizzard and finds his wife and daughter missing, he chokes on a fear that he hasn't felt in a long time!

She was making supper when Jesse came in. “You’re home early.” She didn’t look his way.

“Yea.” He put his hat on a peg and hung his jacket, watching her the entire time. Ginny was always there with a smile and a kiss when he came home. “Everything okay?” She didn’t answer, just nodded. “Ginny?”

When she looked up, her brown eyes were dark pools of unshed tears. She ran into his arms, sobbing.

“What in tarnation is wrong?” He held her as she cried. Finally he set her away from him so he could look into her face. “Is Sarah okay?” 

“Yes. This is silly.” She wiped her eyes and sat down at the table. For the first time Jesse saw the gun laying there. She met his eyes. 

“What happened?”

Jesse’s Nightmare, Book Two of  the Jesse Series – 99 cents

Monday, June 15, 2015

Picture Books for the Beginning Readers

There's a fight on the playground and two first graders are sent to see the principal, Mr. Glumb.  The students have heard scary things about this principal.  Are they true?  Ethan and Timmy are about to find out!

Sammy Bear has lost his tail and needs to find it before his mom finds out.  Will he find his tail before it's too late?

Thoughts from a grandmother!
By Claudia J Huber on June 6, 2015
My Grandkids love this cute book!! The pictures and sweet story also has a good lesson to learn. The recipes are a great delight and we had fun making some of them and talking about the book as we worked. I highly recommend this book for all ages!!

Read to your kids and have them read to you - It's so important!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Revenge, The Cowboy Way

Revenge, the Cowboy Way, is the story of hate, love and revenge.  The question is whose revenge is it?

He put his hands on both sides of her head, trapping her and leaning in close, his face inches from hers. “Listen carefully. I don’t give a damn about what you demand. You made the biggest mistake of your life when you chose to rob me, and now you will suffer the consequences of that choice. Now, unless you have other ideas on how to entertain me, you will high-tail it over to that bed and get in it so I can get some sleep.”

His voice was like steel, and Joanna wasted no time doing exactly what she was told. She hadn’t taken two steps before Brian grabbed her arm. “Take that bulky robe off first.” Defiance filled her face, but before she could respond, Brian continued. “Don’t test me. It’s been a long night.”

Hate glittering in her eyes, she untied the sash and took the robe off, throwing it on the floor, leaving a pink-flowered flannel nightgown as her only barrier. She got in the small bed and hugged the wall. The bed was barely big enough for Brian, let alone both of them.
Blowing out the lantern, Brian lay down, reaching for her. She struggled as he scooped her next to him, his arm snug around her waist. Tears of frustration gathered in her eyes as she tried to escape his hold.

“All this squirming around is giving me ideas, Jo.”

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Little Story About Living Off The Grid

My hubby and I moved up to our retirement home in 2009.  We are totally off the grid - wind and solar only.  Believe me, if it didn't cost $100,000 to bring in electricity, we would have it! 

To live off the grid you need solar panels and several banks of batteries.  We also have two wind generators and that's a plus, but not needed.  Anyways, we bought our forth bank of batteries and thought, "Wooooo Hooooo - we can stop drinking instant coffee and have an actual coffee maker!"

Went right out and bought a programmable Mr. Coffee.  Yesterday, as I am a very early riser, it was set to start perking at 4 a.m.  We found out that the perking of a coffee maker puts a serious hit to our voltage, as we thought it might.  New plan......I would start it at 5 a.m. as in the summer it's light enough and the voltage will be on the rise.  As I look outside, I see the sky is sea of dark clouds with the rumbling of thunder off in the distance.  UGH - Where is my instant coffee!

Even living off the grid I am able to write stories.  I write for the very young (picture books) to the middle grade kiddos (fantasy, time travel, contemporaries) to the older folks under P. A. Estelle (family drama, romances of all kinds - paranormal, contemporaries, historical western.  You can take a look at all I write at

Thanks for stopping by and..... keep your kids reading this summer!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Summer Hearts Tour Continues......With Carol Malone and her story, Summer Holiday


Today we are going to focus on the next book in the compilation. 
Check it out!

Summer Holiday:
In the summer of 1905, Lizzy Gordon’s father dismisses her desires to be a doctor, demanding she become a teacher—a profession which does not allow women to marry.
Teacher Brent Pierce is dedicated to expanding young minds, but circumstances are forcing him to take over the family farm.
Before the summer is over Lizzy and Brent will be forced to make hard decisions. Can they find the courage to each stand up for themselves and still be together?

Now about the fabulous lady behind this book!


Carol Malone
Award-winning author Carol Malone has successfully combined her three passions – romance, sports, and writing in her two highly-rated books, Fight Card Romance: Ladies Night, and Ladies Night Christmas sequel. She was the first woman to write a romance for the all-male dominated genre. Carol invites her readers to scramble into a front row seat for a thrill-ride of suspense, sports, and romance. If not hammering out new tales, Carol’s loves reading, sports, and hanging with her author husband on the coast of California.


 Interview with Sandy and Alardo the main characters in Drowning Sandy

1)     What is your favorite past time, or hobby?
Brent: swimming up at the lake or reading the classics like Huck Finn

Lizzy:  wading in the creek with cousin, Wyatt, playing with Uncle Ern’s granddaughters, Rosy and Hilda, tormenting her other cousin, Cat Boatwright.

2)     What is your favorite book?
Lizzy: Medical journals with the latest discoveries in medicine

Brent: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, Great Expectations, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, White Fang

3)     Do prefer to plan things, or be spontaneous?
Lizzy: to be spontaneous
Brent: I like to plan out my life

4)     Who would you consider is your least favorite person, and why?
Lizzy and Brent: Catrina Boatwright, she tried to sabotage their first outing together as a couple by putting rancid food in Lizzy’s basket and passing Lizzy’s off as her own. Lizzy’s Father runs a very close second.

5)     What is your biggest pet-peeve?
Lizzy & Brent: being told what we have to do

6)     Did you struggle to tell your author anything?
Brent: Carol didn’t understand my motivation for wanting to be a teacher all that well and why I couldn’t allow Lizzy to give up on her dreams. I figured a man like me didn’t deserve a find lady doctor like I knew Lizzy would become.

7)     What is your favorite part of your story?
Brent and Lizzy: the first night we kissed in the barn.
Brent: Actually, I liked rescuing Lizzy from the wicked apple tree.

8)     What inspired the title of your story?
Lizzy was on holiday for the summer at her grandma’s home, thus Summer Holiday

9)     Do you think that there is a specific message to your story, that you’d like your readers to learn?
Self-sacrifice is one thing, but when carried to the extreme, can create more problems that a caring, loving person wants to deal with. And traumatic incidents from our youth can surface and cause all sorts of problems. It’s best to analyze why we do things and not do them for the wrong reasons. And love in the summer can be the best.

Book Buy Links:

Don't forget to get your name into our GIVEAWAY!!!

Book Tour Schedule:
(You can check out posts that have been made during this tour here:

Don't forget! Each author in this tour will be featured once during the tour, and on her special day there will be all kinds of fun facts to check out about her and her book!

June 6th: 
Featuring Dreaming in California by Debbie Lee

June 7th: 
Featuring A Summer of Stars by Lisa Watson

June 8th: 
Featuring Drowning Sandy by Sarah Daley

June 9th: 
Featuring Summer Holiday by Carol Malone

June 10th: 
Featuring Shark Boss by Kathy Bosman

June 11th: 
Featuring The Best Place to Meet a Man by Robyn Echols

June 12th: 
Featuring the entire compilation