Comment to win four books for the kids in your life!
Comment to win four books for the kids in your life!
Good morning everybody! The holidays are right around the corner! A few of us got together and wanted to give ONE commenter a chance to win four different books for the young ones in your life. Everybody has a daughter, son, niece, nephew, granddaughter, grandson, or just a little one that has touched their heart. What better than a gift that sparks a little one's imagination! Be sure to leave your email address so we can contact you when your name is picked!
The following print books are offered by Angie Spencer, Penny Estelle, Sue Felder and Val Rainey!
Thanks for stopping and let's start with Angie Spencer...
Nicky's Sunday School teacher tells her class to follow Jesus, but Nicky doesn’t quite
understand what she means. On the way home from church Nicky's mom tries to help,
by using everyday road signs to show Nicky how to follow Jesus. Enjoy Nicky's ride home
with his mom as he discovers how every day road signs help us understand Jesus's word.
Soft cover
20 pages
Fully illustrated
This book is suitable for children ages 2-8.
$7.99 plus S&H
The story behind the story -
By Angie the Author
was sitting in church about 15 years ago and my Pastor was speaking to
us on faith. He said sometimes it is hard to have faith when we can't
see the future, can't see what God is doing in our lives. He said he
sometimes wished God would give us a sign letting us know what HE wants
from us. The next second, a stop sign popped in my mind. I thought,
"Too bad God can't show us a stop sign when HE wants us to stop doing
something." From there, my mind went to different kinds of signs and
how fun it would be to turn this idea into a children's book.
went home, wrote the story and over the next 15 years tried to get it
published. Getting published is very difficult, believe me! This was
before I had a computer so I had to use the library's computer. I spent
hours online trying to find an agency who was not only accepting books
from an unknown author but a Christian children's book as well. I
prayed over each letter sent but no one was interested. After awhile, I
gave up but it was always my desire to be published. I knew God gave
me this story and didn't understand why it wasn't getting published.
May 2015, I decided to try again. I prayed and asked God to please let
this be the time my story was published. I was up late one night,
searching online for anything pertaining to children's book publishers.
I found a website that had illustrators for hire, so I clicked through
the photos. I stopped when I saw Chris' artwork and liked what I saw.
I sent him an email asking what he would charge to illustrate a book. I
explained I had a story I was trying to turn into a book. He replied
right back, explaining his services and how I could self-publish my
story. He offered to walk me through the whole self-publishing process;
that is what he does! I prayed about it for a week and felt such a
peace, such assurance that finally, God answered my prayer!
does answer prayers but may not in the time frame we would like. I am
thankful HE heard my prayers and the story HE gave me is FINALLY a book.
lived in Marion, Ohio most of my life. Currently I live with my
beautiful daughter, Emily. I enjoy living here to be close to my
family and friends. I work at a social service agency where it is my
privilege to help those in need. During my spare time, I love to read,
try new restaurants, eat cupcakes, create homemade crafts and of course,
write children's stories. I am very contented with my life and am
quite happy "blooming where I am planted."
A Bit About Chris, the artist
Chris has been such a blessing to me! Not only did he illustrate my story,
he willingly shared his knowledge of the publishing world and held my
hand through this whole fun process.
To find out more about him, click here:
Angie is giving an autographed printed copy of her story, Nicky And The Jesus Signs. Be sure to leave your email address!
Next is Penny Estelle.....
Have You Seen My Tail? is a story about little Sammy
bear who wants to tag along with Tommy, his older brother. Tommy tells him he has lost his tail and he
better go find it before Mommy bear finds out. Sammy runs through the woods
asking some of the animals for their help.
Unfortunately they haven’t seen the lost tail, but they all invite him
to stay and have a bite to eat. As it
turns out every snack that is offered is his absolute favorite.
The sun is setting and Sammy is still in the woods. Who will help him find his tail so he can go
Not only is this a great story for parents and children to
read together, but at the end of Have You
Seen My Tail? are four of Sammy’s
favorite “Bug” recipes. Fool your
friends ore enjoy with the entire family.
Five-year old Ethan is in Ms. Johnson’s Kindergarten
class. He is new to the school and has
not made any friends.
Ethan and Timmy, a boy in his class, get in a fight over a
soccer ball and both boys are sent to talk to the principal, Mr. Glumb.
There are stories about this principal – scary stories! Are they true? Ethan and Timmy are about to find out!
A Bit About Penny
Penny Estelle is a best selling author who writes for all
ages, from the early reader to adults.
Her books range from pictures books for the little ones, to fantasy.
time-travel adventures for ages 9 to 13. She also, under P. A. Estelle, has
written adult stories including a family drama and contemporary, paranormal and
historical westerns romances.
Penny was a school secretary for 21 years. She and her husband moved to their retirement
home in Kingman, AZ, on very rural 54 acres, living on solar
and wind only.
Penny and her books can be found in the following links:
Penny is giving an autographed printed copy of Have You Seen My Tail! Don't forget to leave your email address!
Next is Sue Felder...
Rusty's Chronicles
by Sue Felder
Rusty embarks upon an adventurous journey through life facing different vulnerabilities, conquering handicaps empowered by devotion to his unconditional love.
This odyssey leads a young pup through challenges facing danger and conquering fears through the first year of his life. The growth and knowledge of some experiences gained are through trial and error. The structure of family and friends strengthen the learning experience while the young pup enriches each life he encounters. Creatures come to life to share inspirations from a magical world of nature.
Each journal entry portrays a short story or lesson learned. A final thought or reflection closes the segment. How often do we reflect on our experiences and thoughts throughout life? The journal format provides an easy method to allocate time periods of a natural progression of growth. The wisdom of insight or enrichment gained from success or even failures intensifies the need to survive.
Rusty's Chronicles takes us on a journey visualizing life through the eyes of a lovable pup. Each encounter allows us to laugh, to cry, or just give in to the warm fuzzy feeling of his innocence.
Rusty's Chronicles available:
Amazon (Print & EBook)
Barnes & Noble (EBook)
I-Tunes (EBook)
Sarah Book Publishing (print)
Contact information for Sue Felder:
A bit about Sue
Sue Felder born in Fort Worth currently resides in Texas. She is a
graphic designer utilizing creative concepts inspired by nature and her
love for landscape/garden designs.
Sue Felder is the author of an inspirational fiction novel Rusty’s Chronicles. She is dedicated to helping others and strives to share her passion for finding peace and joy in life with others. Sue is blessed with a loving family, and friends.
The appreciation for mentors, teachers, and professors who inspired and ignited a passion for making a difference by allowing one's voice to be heard gives Sue a foundation. Her outlook on life provides a strong basis for the concept of being able to incorporate and share this gratitude.
Sue embraces each day with renewed hope, joy and passion. The simple things in life inspire and allow her to visualize and appreciate the beauty of all things. Her journey is one of providing strength, compassion, and a genuine interest to touch and make a difference in the lives of others.
Sue Felder is the author of an inspirational fiction novel Rusty’s Chronicles. She is dedicated to helping others and strives to share her passion for finding peace and joy in life with others. Sue is blessed with a loving family, and friends.
The appreciation for mentors, teachers, and professors who inspired and ignited a passion for making a difference by allowing one's voice to be heard gives Sue a foundation. Her outlook on life provides a strong basis for the concept of being able to incorporate and share this gratitude.
Sue embraces each day with renewed hope, joy and passion. The simple things in life inspire and allow her to visualize and appreciate the beauty of all things. Her journey is one of providing strength, compassion, and a genuine interest to touch and make a difference in the lives of others.
Sue Felder
Sue is giving an autographed printed copy of her book Rusty's Chronicles. Don't forget to leave your email address.
Next is Val Rainey
is a brave little daisy with a special dream. She wants to fly!
a dream is the easy part. How to make it come true is the part that
takes a whole lot of work and even more courage. We know what we want
how do we get there?
when you have some very special friends who are willing to help it’s
a whole lot easier.
teaches children of all ages that it is important to have a dream and
to be brave enough to share it with others.
encourages children to draw and improve their reading skills as they
read along with mom and dad at bed time. There is lots of room to add
to the drawings or add your own in the white spaces. Hey go
ahead…it’s your book.
is a fun bedtime book for mom and dads to read with their children.
I began writing Sunny’s Grand Adventure in the spring of 1997 I had
no idea what her effect would be on readers.
simply wanted to tell the story of a bored little daisy who wanted to
have her own adventures like her friends in The Big Green Meadow.
I wrote her story it became clear that she was much more than a funky
white flower with a yellow face and bright blue eyes.
discovered that Sunny and her friends are great teachers who let us
know that no matter what you are or what you look like you can
still be friends
pray that one day people will learn from Sunny and her friends.
printed Sunny’s Grand Adventure are numbered limited edition and
signed by Val Rainey
Sunshine Collection
a very special series that I am putting together over the next
10 years. Volume
One “Fun and Frolic” is a compilation of poems and verses written
over a seventy-five year period by myself and my late mother Helen
Elizabeth (Betty)Falconer.
Curl up and enjoy the antics of “Winston
the Cat” and the high flying fun of “The Kite”.
mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2006 and passed away in 2010.
orders outside Canada are payable in USD
book is sure to be a delight for the reader. Each poem is evocative
of nature in all her beauty and nuance”
copies of Fun and Frolic are signed by Val Rainey
buy links for my books (my children’s site)
A Bit about Val
I am a children’s author who loves to write about life’s
little whimsies...flying daisies, grammas’ attics and silly old winds. I
believe very strongly in education especially literacy for our children. They
are our future. They need to be encouraged to write so that both our past and their
future can be preserved. I also provide one to one tutoring in creative writing
for children and adults. People often ask me why I write. I tell them that it's
mostly to keep my sanity. Besides which I love to read and figured that if I
write I'll always have something new and exciting to read…right?
Val will be giving away an autographed printed copy of Sunny's Grand Adventure! Be sure to leave your email address!